30 November 2008

Even Tyra Banks is Doing it!

From today's issue of Parade Magazine (SDUT 11-30-08):
Tyra "Banks: When it comes to clothes, what's new on her is old."
Speaking about her wearing clothes from resale and vintage shops, her stylist Yaniece Piper Thomas quotes "It's one way Tyra is going green and giving back- by wearing recycled clothes."
So, if even a super-rich bomb ass Fashion Icon and Model is doing resale, anyone can!
Love it. Thanks Tyra!

29 November 2008

Farmer's Market

Just a reminder and time/address information.

We have a booth tomorrow, Saturday the 28th (I guess today at this time!) at the Scripps Ranch Farmer's Market. Located at E.B. Scripps Elementary School, which has moved to 11778 Cypress Canyon Road (San Diego 92131), the hours are from 9 AM to 1 PM.

I will be bringing a small sampling of our merchandise, as well as fliers and coupons.

So get out and support local merchants this Saturday instead of fighting the ridiculous crowds at the malls!

Hope to see you there.

26 November 2008

Wednesday Hours

Hey everyone-

Crazy morning. BTW- can I say enough about the Magic Eraser? Thank you Mr. Clean. Let's just say I have a very artistic three year old that painted my ENTIRE bathroom cabinets and walls in a mere five minutes with a hideous hunter green. Thanks to my little artist for my late morning *mwah* Still love you babe.

On that note, the store will be open today from 12:30/1 until 3:30ish. As promised, I would post some hours. I might swing by Friday to do some stuff if anyone needs a shopping appointment. I cannot do any buying this week though!


25 November 2008

Holidays and Other News

Yes, they are officially here - the Holidays! Time for crazy family gatherings and stories to create and tell to our children. Cameras will be snapping and video cameras catch all the wrong things (kidding! sort of). Portraits to be taken, given, saved, or preserved. (See below for a great link for your framing needs!)
Fantastic outfits and accessories are at the store. Lots of stuff for gift-giving also. And speaking of giving, in addition to taking my usual donations I am also trying to get some "wish lists" from Becky's House or the YWCA in the store. I'll update with more information as it moves along. Please remember no matter how little you might have, someone out there is also in need. Giving really is the best gift to yourself.

Interested in donating some food items? My fabulous chiropractor (Dr. Jason Shumard) located upstairs in my building (Active Posture- see link below!) is hosting a bin in his office at the request of his Assistant for Mama's Pantry. They are collecting nutritious non-perishables. Mama's Pantry is a part of Mama's Kitchen. If you don't already know about this Charity, go to their web page at http://www.mamaskitchen.org/ and check it out. Dr. Jason is offering people who donate five or more items to be entered in a drawing. I'll post a list of the items in the store or you can contact his office directly for hours and drop-offs at 858-564-7081. And thank you for working on my never ending migraines!

And while your at it, make an appointment! Treat yourself (or a friend) to a healthier body and get rid of some of that chronic pain we mothers wake up to (some of us daily). As a mom, there is no day off or time to rest an injury or heal from an illness. You deserve 15 minutes to devote to your body. It is the little things we have that keep us going. Light a candle, take a bath, do some Pilate's, take a five-minute time-out in your room instead of sending the kids to theirs and visit a nutritionist and chiropractor. Speaking of nutrition, I hope in the next few weeks to get the nutrition questionnaires into the store if anyone is interested in a consultation from a nutritionist! Also working on some (shhhhhh secret - can't post details yet!) organic, homemade products for mom and baby!
In addition to this season of new beginnings, let us remember ourselves as being important. We need to function in order to care for our little ones. Lots of baby steps because we are all strapped for time, but anything we can do we should. Talk to other moms- you would be amazed at what you find out. Someone might need a hot meal or a friend to go to the park with. Take the time to make yourself feel good by getting to know those around you and you never know what you might learn from them that will enrich your life.

Okay, lecture over. Here I am, mind racing with things to do and feeling overwhelmed myself and I am up again late working not pampering myself. But no matter how stressed I am or how crazy my day is, I really try and make it a point to take a few minutes to do something meaningful or helpful to someone else and something to clear my head for a few moments (if only a few moments, I'll take them).


So, as I have mentioned lots of new items in and more on the way. It is so exciting. Every new thing that comes in I treat as if it is a little gift :)

Here is a sample of some of the sock purses or as I call them hold-em-alls that I now have in the store. I mentioned them several postings ago but couldn't really describe them without a picture so here it is!Great for holding anything that falls to the bottom of your purse (or diaper bag), for gifts to new moms/grandmas or even your kids, and of course cute. Who can't resist baby size socks? You know you all still have to stop when you see a tiny sock!

I also have been busy putting together little outfits and re-designing the store. I still need to decorate it but it is hard when it is still "unfinished". I also currently have separate racks for some Holiday stuff. Of course, most of the stuff is not just Santa Sleepers and Red Velour Dresses (although I have them) but great stuff for pictures, family dinners, winter outings, and more. A lot of the stuff I carry year-round I moved to the rack for ideas. It's great to think about not only using a resale boutique to recycle your old clothing, but how to make good use out of the purchases you make. Here is a little sample of my new "outfit" rack. I mix in some new and resale items in this picture and you can look closely to get a preview of the Bloomin' Beanies I know have in stock! More to come and I can devote a whole other post to some of my new items (so perhaps I should considering the time...). Anyway, how cute is this? Come in, grab an outfit and your set. Well, maybe while you're there you can grab a Melissa and Doug toy for a gift and that sweater you've been meaning to get and a pair of shoes. Just an idea ;)

You can see that cute little diesel shirt in the corner but not the matching shoes! Size 2T and priced to sell. On the other side you can see my dwindling rack of diapees and wipees. Must be about that time for some new orders. So start your shopping- Resale stores are in and I can give you a million reasons why I'm not just any resale store but I'll save that for another post. Those of you who have been in recently know there is so much more to it.
Final note of the night, Fresh Picked Boutique will have a booth at the Scripps Ranch Farmer's Market this Saturday. I'll be there with some hand-picked products instead of the store, but it will be open for sales and I'll be there from 2-4 afterwards. I hope it goes well. I'm assuming in this economy a lot of people would rather support locally, save money and not fight the crowds at the mall but I guess we'll have to see. I'll try and get an email mailing out this week with coupons and of course, I'll mention the SR Farmer's Market there also. I will also post again about that as it gets closer to Saturday.
As for hours this week, tomorrow (Wednesday) I will be there working and preparing, etc. I assume it will be a slow day so I probably will just be open from about 11-3 for customers unless I get a call from someone needing some help before Thanksgiving! And I will be closed Thursday and Friday. Friday I'll be working from home so if someone really wants to stop by I might be able to make a quick shopping appointment. Shoot me an email. And then Saturday the above mentioned Farmer's Market.
So, that's all for now. Thanks for reading as always!

20 November 2008

Friday's Schedule

Changes to my Friday schedule!

Due to the upcoming winter break, I won't be doing the morning volunteering again in my daughter's classroom until sometime in January. So my Friday hours will resume to 10-4 until further notice.

However... tomorrow (11/21) I will be doing an afternoon volunteering in the classroom so I will close the store around 2 PM.

Also, I did some rearranging to the set-up of the site. There is now a contact form to send email questions or requests. And I added the driving directions to the bottom of the page for less clutter on the side and I liked the larger look better.

Thanks and I'll be back :)

Hours Update for the Week (Con'td)

Okay, kids get sick and mom's do too. I'm doing my BEST. And holidays and holiday parties are at school and I WANT to do it all and be there but can't always be...

Thursday hours will be 11:15 (give or take 5 minutes) to 3:30 and Friday I will be there early instead of late (say 9:30/9:45) but have to leave by 2:00 and will be doing my volunteer work in the afternoon instead of the AM, which accounts for me being there early instead of 10:30 as usual on Fridays.

Still working on next weeks hours. Can also do appointments for shopping!!!! Thinking Tuesday 10-4, Wednesday maybe 9:30 to 2-ish? Closed Friday except by perhaps special request and Saturdays are open for suggestion. I'd like to be at the Scripps Ranch Farmer's Market in the AM (which I can have someone fill in at the store for shopping purposes) and be at the store at 1:00. That may be a temporary routine for the next few weeks. The store will probably still be open- just not for buying until I get there.

Working on it- keep you updated.

I will be there doing inventory all day today and getting new stuff on hangers and priced so excuse the jeans and t-shirt :) I will be available for all customers otherwise!

Remember, email me. Call the store. Or if you want my cell phone for purposes only of appointments, questions or am I on my way and I know you as a customer - just ask!!!!

I'm getting lot's of brand new merchandise in for the holidays and can also take special requests on See Kai Run and Melissa and Doug toys that will arrive in time at whatever prices I can get and NO shipping so JUST ASK!!!

Lots more. I'll keep updating. Just remember I have three kids to scramble after and I want this business to be a fabulous sucess so I will do whatever I need- including offering shipping if I need to.

18 November 2008

Crazy Tuesday!

Life is throwing me around today so please excuse the in-and-outs of the day. I am at home for a brief few minutes and heading back to Traffic Court (yuck and yes, my fault but I have to go back so the store is currently closed). I'll be back depending on when they finish up with me and then out again at 3:30ish today to meet with someone regarding my 2007 Taxes (Yikes!) before I pick up the kids.

So, I am also adding an email just for the store that anyone can email at anytime. If you have my personal one I am still using that but I will post somewhere on the site later tonight a direct link but in addition to calling the store or commenting on the site anyone can email this address. It is (surprise!) freshpickedboutique@gmail.com

I can check it from anywhere, wherever, on my phone, etc. So, days like this can I can still keep in touch. Make appointments with people who aren't regulars or want to order or reserve something or inquire, etc. One more way to keep in touch assuming there will be busy days such as these.

So, back on the road and then back to the store. Please don't hesitate to call or email and I will get back ASAP.

Again, Wednesday I'll be there 10:45-4. So far, Thursday 10-4 and still working on Friday (either 10:45-4 or 9:45 to 2-ish). See what kind of calls I get.

Update later on the new stuff! Have some pictures coming soon. Exciting!!!

Sorry for the craziness but those of you with your own kids and lives and maybe work also understand and I hope you will still remain loyal customers. I'm finding a way to offer something to those who may show up during regular business hours not knowing I am out and getting them back in for missing them. Remember, new business and still working out the kinks of this sort. Hope you understand and final note- I always go out of my way to look for items people requested on my wish list. One customer asked for something and didn't write down her info. Well, I got in the item and it's going out on the shelf this week. It is the foam ABC 123 Mat from the Right Start. If it was you, let me know. Otherwise, it's up for grabs. Will post more info about that and other Holiday ideas also.

Off to (ugh) Court. Thanks for your loyalty everyone :)
Big appreciation. Let's start some events. And I'm working on those consignment forms for larger items and those of you who need cash since I only offer store credit. Keep in touch and let's see what we can do for each other.

17 November 2008

November 18th-21st

Sorry for the (1) lack of posting when there is so much going on and so much to write about and (2) for the last minute update and inconvenience of store hours.

From now until further notice, I will be open at 10:30 on Fridays and am trying to figure out how to make up for that lost time. I may be there sooner but not always so it seems like it might just be easier to say I will be open at 10:30 and you can always call first.

This week also on the 18th and 19th I won't be there until about 10:30/10:45. Wednesday for sure between 10:30 and 10:45 due to a doctor appointment that will not run late. And Tuesday I am not quite sure. I have court in the AM and am trying to figure out how to get it over as quickly as possible. Or get an extension and do in another time or an afternoon when I can get a sitter. This Friday however, there is a slight, slight chance that I may do my volunteering on Friday in the afternoon instead of the morning and as the week progresses I will keep updated.

Then the following week comes Thanksgiving and I am trying to figure out what sort of schedule is best for my customers. I can open Friday early, late, not at all? Sale on Saturday instead? New products are in for the Holiday shoppers! I will be closed Thursday for Thanksgiving and possibly close early the Wednesday before unless I get requests otherwise.

So this week and next, call call call if you are planning on coming in early! Or if you want to schedule some holiday shopping next week- I can also just open Wed/Fri by appointment and give special attention.

After that, regular hours will resume and I will be planning December events, specials and promoting new products and ideas. I hope to have a VERY busy month with lots of different activities and ideas. Now into our third month, I am ready to be as busy as possible.

There will be times when I do have to leave such as this week, but I am looking also into having someone that can cover me for that hour or so so that I won't have to close the store. Hey, I too am a mom. And with three young ones going at this alone things do come up. But I want this business to be a success so whatever it takes- even if I have to take an appointment when I wouldn't normally. Or I am available at other times for personal shopping if you (a) don't want to or (b) don't have the time (c) hate the holiday crowds or (d) can't find a sitter and even (e) want someone else to get those good deals for you.

I can also help plan showers, events, registries, and help with pre- and post-baby info. All the above can be discussed further at your request.

I'll update with some real postings again soon. Until then, stop by and check out price reductions on new merchandise and other great deals on high-quality products!

11 November 2008

Veteran's Day - Store Hours

Brief update- Tuesday is Veteran's day and since it is a school holiday I will be working but with limited hours. I will have (probably at least 2 of) the kids and they probably don't want to spend an entire day at the store with me (and really, the feeling is mutual).

Please email or call if you have any questions. I'm just going to play it by ear and probably just come in a little later and take it from there. I do however live close by so if you need something or have the day off yourself and wanted to come by, I will do my best to accommodate anyone.

Let me know. Most of you have my email or the store number. You can always comment here and I can check. I'm planning about 11-3 give or take. If I get people in or calls, I have no problem staying longer. If the clock is ticking and the kids get bored and no one is coming by I may leave earlier.

So... Other than that regular hours until Thanksgiving week. I'll plan on closing early Wednesday (haven't decided what time) and I will be closed that Thursday and Friday. I plan on re-opening Saturday with maybe something fun or a special. If there seems to be interest, maybe I can even do a few hours that Sunday.

And of course, Holiday outfits and more are in so come take a look!

03 November 2008

Voting Day!

So, the candy drive has ended and no donations :(

I guess the short notice was not very helpful. My bad. Good intentions though.

However, Tuesday is voting day and as a good citizen (and of course, one of my degrees was in Political Science) I encourage you all to take ten minutes and go place your votes! Can't remember where to go? The link on the site is still up that can direct you to your polling place. Bring in your sticker (or receipt of mail-in if you voted by mail) Tuesday or Wednesday this week November 4th and 5th for a 5% discount of any store purchase. As usual, cannot be combined with other coupons, discounts or store credit. No minimum purchase required.

Military discount is also until the 5th this month.

Briefly, I still haven't figured out how to put on the machine at the store if I might be running late or have to run out for an appointment so I'm still posting here. I have an appointment around the corner Wednesday morning and might be in twenty minutes late if it lags (which I have a feeling it will). And later this month one day, I have another one at 8:30. I will post which day when it gets close just in case that one also runs late.

If you haven't been in recently, I have lots and lots of new stuff - some of it has been inventoried and lots more is on its way to be. I will also be getting more new stuff in (new Gymboree, new and used Baby Lulu and more) hopefully this week. And I got boxes of donations for both the store and to donate (Thank you, thank you, thank you). So I'll be going through those also as time allows. I will also pick up donations locally if I am able.

Also, I found this fabulous web site I hope to be getting some new items from just in time for fall and the holidays. Handmade, boutique quality and totally stylish accessories. I'll post pictures and more information after the details are made. And hopefully in the next month or so, some other handmade stuff will be working its way into the store. In addition, I have these great little "hold-alls". I have to take pictures because my description won't do them justice.

But here goes a brief try-at-it:
They are basically different style of baby-socks made into little purses. Great for holding anything that falls to the bottom of your bag- not just change. Think pacifiers, lip gloss, medication, tampons even. Or great as gifts for kids and adults alike. Love them.

These sort of things are what helps make this resale shop a boutique- quality, variety, great deals and fabulous stuff.

What ideas do you have? Anything you would like to see? Feel free to post comments if you don't have my email- I read them! I know I love the resale aspect of the store. Not only economically for us moms does it make sense but recycling our little ones stuff (and our maternity) is a good thing to do. However, we all like something new now and then also and I like that my store has that option.

It feels like fall finally, at least for now! Here's a picture of one of my girls (way back when) cozied up in her Barefoot Dreams jacket. Don't forget the playroom, rocking chair and changing station if you just want to get out for a bit. It is part of the store for a reason and I love to see it being used!

Speaking of a new season, let's get some ideas going. Activities you would like to see, playgroups to plan, merchandise you would like to see, community events (like a blood drive), etc. Or maybe you have something you do and would like to promote or sell. Or a "class" to teach. And I still haven't started on story time but would love to add that now that the weather is changing and people are looking for new activities. I want your input as the consumer.

Talk to me!

01 November 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Friday and an exciting Halloween with their little ones!

Sorry if closing the store was an inconvenience, but it ended up being a super busy day between class parties, quarterly sales tax filing, and not only getting three little excited kids ready to trick-or-treat, but then trying to get over-tired candy-eyed children to bed! Another late night of course, but it was all worth it.

The Halloween Costume rack at the store will now be replaced with Holiday outfits! I'll keep the costumes in the store for a short time before putting them in storage in case anyone is looking for any dress up outfits, but not too long. As the store is beginning to fill up and things to inventory is piling around, I do not want to accumulate too much clutter. Until they are packed away, they will still be 10% off the marked price.

And since the "special occasion" rack I have is not that big, I will probably still have great staple items around the store to be used for the upcoming season for dress-up and/or pictures, etc. So, if you don't see what you are looking for, as always- just ask. I'm more than happy to help you with ideas.

I also should be getting in a lot more new items (and possibly some larger sized used) on consignment so I'll be busy putting out new fall items such as Gymboree, Baby Lulu, CachCach and other boutique items for below retail. Be sure to stop by and see what is new. Remember, with a resale boutique, merchandise is constantly changing so there should be some new-to-you fabulous find each time you come in.

Some items of interest...

Did you accumulate way too much candy today, piled along with your own leftovers that did not get passed out? Don't want the temptation (for you or the kids) sitting around for the next year? Donate them to a good cause! Pick out your favorites and bring the rest by the store on Saturday (I'll let you know if I can take them next week as well). My oldest daughter's school is one of the schools teaming up with San Diego's "Super Dentists" Dr. Keri and Dr. Hoss. For each pound of candy donated, the school will receive a $1.00 donation and so will Rady Children's Hospital Foundation. And the best part? The candy will be shipped to our troops overseas! I saw the article in the November Issue of Family Magazine (did you see our first ad????) and wondered how Fresh Picked could be a part of this. Then today I heard the school would be taking the donations to the dentists, so I could just bring any extra or donated candy to them and they would pass it on. Everyone wins. I hope you have a little something to drop off for this good cause. I'll be open the usual hours on Saturday, 10-4.

And Tuesday election day is finally here, so go vote and wear your sticker to the store for a special discount. And if you forgot where your polling place is located, I placed a link to the site on my sidebar. I'll post more details before Tuesday. Presidential elections have the highest voter turnout and this year, the issues have been even more heated. Remember to educate yourself on an issue/proposition before voting on it or if you are confused and don't have the time, feel free to leave that box blank. It is okay to just vote what you know about so you make choices you are happy with.

Finally, tomorrow through Wednesday (November 1st-5th) will be military discount days, so please bring your ID if you are eligible.

Until next next time.