Today, Wednesday, I will be working from home trying to sort out this inventory for the web site- among other things that I will write about later, should they become a reality.
I will be in Thursday and Friday, normal hours (10:30-4, Friday perhaps a few minutes later due to volunteering). Saturday, if all goes as planned I will again be at the
SRFM. Anything, I can bring, let me know.
Otherwise, I will probably be bringing a selection of my new stuff from Inky Binky Baby. It includes the latest prints for
burp cloths,
onesies and bibs, along with 1 1/2" and 3" headbands with flowers.

I will also be bringing lots of
BabyLegs, Pacifier Clips, Hair
Clippies/Corkers/Holders, and some Melissa and Doug toys.
I am
pursuing lots of new ideas, affordable boutique items, and different ways to help spread the word about the web site since the store hours are going to be getting complicated because of some daycare issues in the next five weeks. I need to be able to either (a) get something in place for the kids on Tuesdays and Wednesdays- which I'm working my butt off to do! (b) plan
activities and shipping, etc. only on those two days or (c) suggestions????
I am also in the process of inventorying a ton of new clothing- various brands, starting with newborn sizes and then going up as the bins get sorted. However, I may just place them on the online store (except for those that have doubles). Everything is older "seasons", but still practical and fashionable! And that also means, about 50% off the original retail price (sometimes more, sometimes a little less....).
We are talking
Gymboree, Gap, baby Dior, Baby Lulu (USA), Ralph Lauren, and more. In addition, I actually am adding some great layette basics from lower-end names like Carter's, because I know people are looking for them and who can pass up a great sleeper, brand new, for just a few dollars!

Also, with Spring Break coming up and my chaotic schedule, I will be using Monday-Wednesday for not just appointments/events/playgroups/ideas from customers...., but also to get these donations sorted and to the appropriate shelters in need.
I'd love to bring a larger cash donation- don't forget the Awareness
And as for donations, it's not just clothes they are looking for but think of those things around the house that you use everyday and do not realize how vital they are to your routine. Toothbrushes still in packages? Brands of Dental Floss you never opened because it was not the one you meant to buy? Something given to you that was
nonreturnable? Diaper bags and backpacks in decent condition that are not something you can sell, but someone could surely use... Or a bag of crayons and some pads of paper. Stickers you have piles of and don't want to throw away but cannot seem to use them up. Feminine products that are unopened because your husband bought the "wrong" brand and you shoved them in the back of the cupboard so you wouldn't hurt his feelings. Unopened baby food (unexpired).
Like I mentioned, April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month. Even if a child is not directly abused in a Domestic Violence situation, they are often victims of abuse in many other ways. By donating to the women and their children in these shelters, you are doing your part in raising awareness that this happens across all economic lines, to your neighbor, your friend, the lady at the grocery store...
If you need assistance or have any questions- give me a call or email!