11 February 2009

Pictures, Updates and Schedule

Yes, I'm still awake at 5 in the morning. Part of the life of running a business and being a mom of three. Yikes. Maybe I can get at least an hour or so of having my eyes closed...

Anyway, I'm so sad/sorry about the irregular hours but sometimes we have to just do what we need to for our kiddos right?
I did get tags finally in and new business cards, which is exciting because I have lots of stuff to put out on the racks. Now I can see what I have and what I need, go through what I have at home, etc. Yeah! New clothes and other new arrivals. Love it. And I can get my cards back out there again. I am relying on word-of-mouth and getting myself out there, leaving fliers or cards, etc. Little anxiety lifted when they arrived!

Stop by for some yummy warm clothes and jackets for this crazy weather. Add a beanie and a pair of BabyLegs and you are ready to go anywhere! I still have lots of Valentine's stuff- don't let these prices slip away!
Look at this adorable new top by the European Line "Mothercare". They are newborn size and I only have a few Leif. Look at the great A-line cut perfect to pair-up with some soft leggings. How cute would they be even with a great pair of little jeans or even with just tights and a diaper cover. Then throw on some leg warmers for an extra layer! I'm going to sell them for 50% off retail for the month of February since they have some cute little hearts on the design! They are part of a two-piece set, but like other things about the store, I don't have the actual "set" but part of what I love about fashion is putting your own personal touch to wear something in several different ways.

I'm also trying a new vendor- Little Knits (http://www.little-knits.com/)

I don't have the matching hats, but I got a deal from the Company and am passing that down to you, the Buyer! We love under retail pricing! Match them up with a beanie from Inky Binky Baby instead. Let's see how they sell and hopefully they will be a fun addition to the store :)

I'm getting back on track and working on an email update. I'm also stocking up on new blankets, hats, and more new Gymboree and Baby Lulu. Slowly I am working on re-designing my blog so you can get quick info about the store until I (possibly) get a "real" shopping website. I will still keep this site of course. Also, I'm adding a survey. I want to know what you think about cloth diapers, specifically FuzziBunz. I know most of us moms don't even consider them with the convenience of disposable diapers. However, I have heard such wonderful things and have had a ton of customers inquire about them. They are cute, economical, easier to use than most of us imagine and I think they would be a good addition to the store. FuzziBunz in particular has my favorite attributes of all vendors I consider: being a mom-ran business and going with the "Green" of a resale shop, but the quality of a being a Boutique designed quality item. I can also offer classes and information about cloth diapering and using FuzziBunz in particular at the store if you are curious, but unsure of how to start. They can even be used as a part-time alternative so you never worry about running out of diapers in the middle of the night :)

As for the current schedule (as promised I will update regularly)
Wednesday (2/11): Opening time as normal. I have to leave for an appointment at 1:15 or so. If all goes well, I'll be back from 2:30-4. If I have to pick up my daughter, I will have to go straight from my appointment.

Thursday: Opening at 11 the latest (school party in the AM) and will be there all day until 4.

Friday: Opening normal Friday time (by 11 the latest- volunteer work in the AM). I have another meeting that I will have to leave for by 12:20 or so and I have no idea how long it will take. Hopefully only an hour?

Saturday: Looks like rain, so I'll be at the store instead of the Farmer's Market. Remember I have a playroom with books and toys. Last weekend I went to the bookstore when it was raining and the place was packed with parents just wanting to get their kids out. Why not come by the store for a change of scenery, more seating, and I can make you some tea or coffee? And I have some great Melissa & Doug craft stuff, toys, and coloring stuff to keep you busy when you leave! I'm brainstorming something fun to offer since it is Valentine's Day. Check for updates!
Doesn't your precious Valentine need one of these? Hippie Clippies also designs Tutus, Pacifier Clips, Nursing Necklaces (more info on those another time) and more, in addition to the fashionable non-slip hair clips that you can find in my hair also most of the time! I'm adding a little more selection in the store to see what sells- you can also check out her website and call me with any special requests. Same with most of my vendors as I mentioned in a previous post.

The following week (February 17th - 21st) I will have the kids so I will be in and out of the store. Just give me a call and I can meet you there so the little ones don't feel cooped up for too many days. Tuesday and Wednesday should be fine, but by the end of the week they might get a little stir crazy so just check in. I'm hoping for a sunny Saturday to return to the SR Farmer's Market.

Email me or call for a coupon good through the 21st that can be used in the store or for shipping (and if you are nearby I can possibly meet up or deliver). That's my THANK YOU for being supportive during this little rough spot I have hit!


Anonymous said...

You say your "upscale" yet you use the word as# in your headline blog intro. Very un-classy.
your hours are crazy and not set. People do not want to drive to check you out only to find out your not there. you make exceptions and sell stuff that is large if it is yours or your friends that is kind of lame. So who would want to shop at a store with so-so hours,high prices and a scatterbrained mentality on the website.

Anonymous said...

It's "you're" not "your"... now who's scatterbrained?

Anonymous said...

Make that "You're" since you should either capatalize the beginning of all sentences or none. Not alternate.

Maybe you should just head over to Wal-Mart because Fresh Picked probably doesn't want to deal with "as#hole" customers like yourself.

Save the good stuff for us loyal customers and be thankful there are still some moms out there that care enough to stay home with their sick kids!