07 April 2009

Still Here!

Sorry Sorry Sorry for the long delay!!!!!

Spring pounced upon us and so did millions of other things.

Good news:

Fresh Picked is still in business.

Inventory is full.

  • meaning I am not buying anything at this time)

  • meaning also lots to choose from once I get organized!

Other news (Bad? Depends on how you look at things!):

  • It looks as though we will be moving locations, no stress probably very nearby, perhaps closer to most of you. Closer to my kids for sure- at least that's the idea.

  • We will be open until the end of April at the current location. We will be at the SRFM all month. And thereafter pending other events only really.

  • No new permanent address left- been looking at lots!

  • All store credit is STILL GOOD. I will be calling with an online code also those customers because soon...

  • The online store will be complete.

  • Personal chaos , three sick kids (plus mom) and co-workers with also very sick with sick kids has set us behind schedule!

  • But we will be better than ever.

  • We will be accessible 24 hours a day.

  • There will be a place to shop locally- even if smaller- until we get rolling and get a fantastic store-front smack-in-the middle location.

  • Events being planned!

SO sad to leave my beautiful boutique but I know when to quit when I am ahead.

FPB is not going to close.

We will also be starting the Farmer's Market again (which if it wasn't for the eye infections would have started already!). Huge events like the Community Fair and Baby Expo are being planned.

  • Playgroups and day cares will be notified. Our new address will be listed here ASAP.

  • The store number will remain the same. It will be forwarded to a Cell Phone during all closed hours.

  • Credits and discounts will be out of control! *Blush* Probably should've left that out.

  • We are not losing any vendors- if anything we may be gaining some!

  • I will have time to craft and design again myself :)

Many, many, many reasons went into this decision. Bottom lines- cut the overhead before it gets us, I am working 60-80 hours a week- why not 40-60 and take a 20 hour a week job with health benefits I really need if necessary?- online shopping keeps me working 40+ hours plus I get to spend time with the kids, more time for fairs and shows, and then one day, re-open bigger and better!

Oh of course, there is more and slowly it will come out.

But it's late, I must sleep. That's where I have been. Dealing. Searching.


Everyone will be contacted by the end of the month.

All donations will reach shelters this month for National Child Abuse Month.

Hours so far will still be by appointment. Sorry :( But appointments are great. And there will be days I will be there most/all of the day. If I have not returned your call- PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL because I lost a bunch of messages.

My kids have Spring Break and they all had ear infections and eye infections for the past couple weeks. I just could not open the store under those conditions!!!

Gotta find a new spot.

Got to get the web site LAUNCHED.

Customer's contacted.

Store ready.

A big sale coming maybe????

Shipping as always available. Coupons available through April- just ASK.

Stick through our spring transformation and watch the butterfly break free!

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