27 September 2008

Take a minute to Vote!

I would absolutely LOVE some feedback on my survery regarding the Halloween party! I only have two responses so far. If it happens, I have all sorts of ideas but I have to have the numbers there to make it worthwhile. Trick-or-Treating around the building (after I talk to the other tenants of course), story time, maybe a contest, contacting a photographer.

This would be a great way to get another use out of your costume. And if you only have a tiny one, you want to dress them up but don't really want to go trick-or-treating yet. But you want to dress them up of course! Get some friends together and get the group discount (please call for an appointment for those- I think the details are listed earlier in the blog and if not I'll do it in the next few days).

I have a handful of costumes in the store, but I would love to add some more. It is hard to pay full price for a costume they can only wear one year, unless they are really into dress up or you have someone to hand it down too. So if you have some to get rid of, or you need to clean out your dress up bin of the outgrown clothes, you know where to go!

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