30 January 2009

It's Friday, I'm In Love: Check out the new merchandise in stock!

`As I mentioned previously, I will be having a booth at the Scripps Ranch Farmer's Market again this Saturday (and hopefully thereafter- excluding rain). It seems to be a great venue to market some of my merchandise and get the word out about the store. I thought Saturdays would be a busy day at the store with the people who work during the week, but it seems to be my slowest day!

So, get outdoors. This is San Diego right? There is a ton of stuff there for kids to do and it is one of the most popular and largest Farmer's Market around. Visit their website for more info at http://www.srfm.org/SRFM/Home.html

This week they are having a Treasure Hunt for the kids with prizes, in addition to the other wonderful things there- including a playground :)

I bring mostly new and seasonal items when I go, but if you contact me before 4:00 Fridays I can also pack up any specific requests you might have or meet you afterwards at the Store (2 or 2:30 usually). The Scripps Ranch Farmer's Market is located at EBS Elementary School (the new location is the old Marshall Middle School) and the address is 11778 Cypress Canyon Rd. (92131). Directions available through their web page also- click on find us! And then come and find me there from 9-1.

I am still doing inventory at the store- lots of new items to brag about and as soon as I can I will post more pictures and updates. Regular story time needs to be decided this weekend so I can get it posted in the major magazines and web sites - but it will be at least twice this February.

Lots of Valentines outfits, gifts, and accessories also available right now. I have my two little ones at the store this morning until around lunch so come by and play if you want :) I won't be doing a lot of "work" until after lunch.

Happy Friday!

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