04 February 2009

Current Store Hours Update! 02/04/09 etc.

My poor little guy has the chickenpox! He hadn't had the vaccine yet, but luckily he seems to have a pretty mild case.

So, due to some things I need to do for him and take care of, I will be closed. I probably will have a chance to stop by the store at least at some point but I cannot pin down a time tonight so if you were planning on coming by, please give me a call first- the store number is still forwarded to my cell.

I can answer any questions you might have or help you with anything. If you need something, I can ship it out, possibly put it on hold or if you live nearby there is a chance I can bring it by.

If things go well and I am able to make it in for a few hours, I will post an update.

So far, I'm planning on opening still on Friday normal hours and Saturday is pending on the weather. Should the sun be out, I will be at the Scripps Ranch Farmer's Market again (I can bring specific items- please call or email before 1:00/2:00 PM on Friday. And I will return to the store for about an hour after for those of you who like to shop on Saturday. If it rains on Saturday as planned- I will be at the store from 10 to 4.

That is my update for now. I'm going to try and get a little rest between wake-ups and cuddles. Thank you for understanding Motherhood and letting me work with you to still be a viable business and a good mom :)

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