26 February 2009

Thursday February 26th

Brief update-

Online store going well. It's not up yet except for a little link (www.freshpickedboutique.com) but behind the scenes a lot of work is going on and it is pretty exciting.

I'll be back at the store today, but I will need to leave at 2:15 for some appointments. In response to my "anonymous" poster (which I will reply to later), yes my hours can be erratic sometime. Especially lately between sick kids and the kick-off of the online store. But I'm a mom of three, doing this alone, and for the most part my customers seem to understand and are happy that I am so accommodating in different ways.

I'm reachable at all hours by phone or email. My store phone goes to my cell if I am closed and my email is accessible from anywhere. I can ship, deliver, meet up at the store around my schedule when needed and place special orders. I also will help people find something I do not have by giving them all the info of where to get it (even from a competitor) or go do it myself. Since I am a new business I focus on customer service until I get on my feet. Otherwise, I'd have to hire an employee, increase my overhead resulting in increasing prices, and probably be running my business full-time as an online store only because I'd run out of cash-flow fast. So, I think I'm pretty accommodating for a business and if it doesn't work for you and I lose a customer- sure, it's a bummer but most moms understand that when you have kids and are self-employed (which means I work 60-80 hours a week because I do a lot from home and after hours) you have to be flexible.

Anyway, love you all that are fans and hope you understand. Coupons coming out in the next week. Farmer's Market Saturday. Email or call with special requests! I'll write again soon. Off to work.

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